
Why everything you know about Robin Hood is wrong!

Man or Myth – Fact or Fiction? The Robin Hood legend is actually a can of worms! The problem is that if you take a serious look into the background to the popular traditional tales you’ll discover it’s riddled with flaws. The facts often don’t stack up and somehow it seems impossible to square the circle between the story and the reality. That’s the obsessive nature of the legend that has continued to fascinate and infuriate academics and enthusiasts for centuries.

With the no-nonsense, cover title of “Why Everything You Know About Robin Hood Is Wrong” – Karen Murdarasi’s new book pulls no punches and tells it like it is! The 90 informative pages are jam-packed with revealing facts and comparisons about the many discrepancies in the popular story and it’s all brightly written in a succinct and engaging style. The author outlines some of the main issues that have caused controversy and debate in academic circles and puts forward five possible pretenders from the lengthy list of “usual suspects” championed by various historians, all suggesting real life characters who Robin Hood may have been based on.

There is no undisputed historical evidence available that can conclusively prove that Robin Hood ever existed or who he really was. However, across the centuries, fiction has triumphed over fact and Robin Hood has become far more significant as a legend than ever he would have been as a real historical figure.

Every generation creates for itself the Robin Hood that it needs and the public have always come to his rescue whenever his credibility is called into question. Irrespective of any new supposed facts or information to the contrary, Robin Hood is the People’s Champion , a global icon of popular culture and the general public have repeatedly shown that they do not wish the image of their legendary Sherwood Forest hero, and everything he stands for, to be destroyed. However, if your curiosity gets the better of you and you really want to delve into the murky world of Robin Hood’s authenticity, then Karen Murdarasi spells it all out in this enjoyable new book.

Review by Bob White, Chairman, World Wide Robin Hood Society – November 2018.

“Why Everything You Know About Robin Hood Is Wrong” by K.C. Murdarasi is published by Hephaestion Press (ISBN: 978-1-9164909-0-1) It sells for £4.99 and is available from and at Amazon as an e-book or paperback and at all good local bookstores.