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  A Historical Novel by

  Hotse Langeraar.

Having reviewed many Robin Hood related books, I am always fascinated to learn how each author is drawn to the subject. Also the extent to which they balance fact with fiction and bring something fresh to the traditional tales to spark and retain the readers’ interest.

As author, Hotse Langeraar, is a collector of rare and antique books, it is perhaps not surprising that a 13th century Paris Bible, the pride of his collection, was the inspiration for his latest book “CAPUCHE”. The title is French for “Hood” which also explains why certain aspects of the storyline,  feature subtle references and principles associated with the fabled Sherwood Forest legend. Hints of familiar characters, locations and events reflect strong similarities to aspects of the legendary Robin Hood story, that might even offer a new insight into the possible origins of his identity?   The hero, Morvran , the title character by virtue of his fictional outlaw name, was an actual historic person of whom only his birth and death are known ( 1179 – 03 June 1216).

The plot is intriguingly woven into a background and historic time-line that embraces the legacy of the mystical Cathars, the persecuted religious sect, originally from the Languedoc region of France. Branded as heretics by the Catholic Church, they were often brutally massacred for their ideology and its growing popularity.  In Langeraar’s thought-provoking vision, extensively researched facts are plausibly linked into a captivating story in which the red velvet Paris Bible plays a key role that cleverly ties the narrative together and gives it a powerful ring of authenticity.

The multi-faceted plot should interest readers of several genres, from historical adventure to religious conspiracy; from romantic and crime fiction, to espionage, secrecy and mystery.

 All in all, this is a masterpiece of interwoven storytelling that may also even stimulate interest in the esoteric principles of the Cathar teaching?

Beautifully illustrated with heraldic symbols and colourful, pictorial chapter headings that reflect the mood and images of the time, this is a historical novel to enjoy on many levels.

Robert White, World Wide Robin Hood Society, May 2022

Copies of the book can be obtained from –
